Prodej techniky z OH KINA ve Vratislavi

V dubnu se uzavírá kino OH KINO ve Vratislavi a prodává použitou techniku, tak neváhejte, pokud by vás něco zaujalo.

Jednotlivé položky najdete ZDE.


Dear Colleagues from our cinema industry!

Due to reasons beyond our control, as of April 30th, 2024, we are forced to close our
OH KINO cinema in Wrocław, Poland (due to the closing and demolition of Arkady Wrocławskie shopping mall).


You can take a virtual tour of our cinema here:


Virtual 3D Tour


After 7 years of operating our cinema (including 2 years of the pandemic – equipment not used), we have an attractive offer for you on cinema equipment.

  • Devices in continuous use and fully operational
  • The offered equipment can serve for many more years
  • Equipment was regularly serviced
  • We offer the opportunity to view and test the cinema technology in the cinema
  • Contact via email, phone, video is available
  • All devices can be viewed online at

    We offer attractive discounts:
  • Currently, discounts range from 30% to 45% off the price of new devices
  • We offer a discount of 45% to 65% for orders over 150,000 PLN

Check the offer


Have questions?
Email us at: